Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bible Revealed

The word "Bible" comes from a Greek word that means "library."

When we think of the Bible as a library it seems more accessable.  We do not need to take on the whole thing at once.  We can "check out" a book at a time.  We can return and re-read our favorites. without thinking we have to read all the volumes together.

When we get to a section of "begats," with names that are unfamiliar, we can skip over them without guilt and go on to the sections that interest and inspire us.

Dear God, teach me with Your Living Word to find meaning, understanding, inspiration and application in the writen word.  I let Your Voice speak to me through the prophets and writers of old that I may be a blessing today.

If you have a Christian orientation, I invite you to start with the Gospels in the order they were writen, according to scholars: Mark, then Matthew, Luke and John.  Notice what is similar and what is different about how they tell the stories, what they include and what they leave out.  What is the picture of Jesus that you see?  What was His message?  What is your response?

If you come from a different background, read the book of Genesis as a collection of tribal stories from the Hebrew clan.  Read the Pslams as a person trying to figure out and express your relaitonship with God.  Read the Gospels as a record of a holy man.

Do not be afraid of this library.  Check it out!

Blessings as you read and contemplate!

Joyous in the Spirit,


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