Tuesday, November 2, 2010


One of the young boys in our church asked me about "Amen."  I sensed he knew there was more to it than just being a punctuation at the end of a prayer.

The Hebrew word "Amen," sometimes spelled "aameen," comes from a word that means "truth" or faithful.  It is an exclamation that declares, "This is my truth." "So be it."

Some scholars says that in the first creation story, the phrase, "And it is so" is derived from the "Amen."

What are you saying "Yes" to in your life?  What are you affirming as your truth?  Are you talking about what is wrong with your life, your circumstances?  Are you complaining about others?  Then you are giving your "Amen" to negative, limiting circumstances.

God says, "Yes" to what we put our attention on. 

Let's keep our attention on God's healing power, "Amen!"

Let's focus on being God's joy in action, "Amen!"

Let affirm that we are God's love, always blessing others, "Amen!"

Let's listen to God's guidance and follow through, "Amen!"

Let's live from our oneness with God, "Amen!"